“Super Psychic Policeman Chojo” By Numa Shun

1 minute

This is a review made up to chapter 17 of the manga.

Super Psychic Policeman Chojo is a comedy manga, a simple plot about this girl, Nao Ippongi, joining the police force and his co-worker, Meguru Chojo, a psychic who everyone hates because he can read minds, both working in an understaffed policed station in one of the worse side of town.

The manga is fun, not burst out laughing every chapter fun, but i did laugh almost every chapter, the comedy is basic and enjoyable (with also some Shonen jump references on it too), and the characters are quite weird but normal for a comedy manga, and i really liked that they gave Chojo a real past time other than being a policeman, it gives him more depth and even though its a comedy manga, its always appreciated

Its a fun manga, not that deep, but an enjoyable lighter read for Shonen jump

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